Sunday, June 16, 2019

Saying Goodbye

Hi all!  Friday was my last day of kids for this school year.  I always have such mixed emotions.  I'm happy, of course, because I get to sleep in a little later and, well, summer vacation!  I'm sad because the 26 kids I have this year are all going be in a different grade next year.  It's so tremendous thinking about all the progress they made this year.  I wanted to share this card that I made for the last day of school:

You can print the pages double-sided (using the short-edge binding setting) on a single piece of paper or card stock so that when you fold it in half, everything looks right.  My kids really liked it, and if you print out more than one for each student they can write to you, to other favorite teachers, or to special classmates.  We all have to put away a lot of things at the end of the year, so I find that this card is really helpful when many of your centers are packed up, and it gives the kids a real sense of closure to say their final words to you (or whoever they address the card to).

Hope this helps!  Leave a comment below if you would like to share your end-of-the-year thoughts.