Thursday, August 1, 2019

I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello

Hi all!  I've been feeling very musical lately, so I wanted to sing about this beautiful book named
I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello by Barbara Garriel.  I collect as many books as I can find in the pattern of "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly."  This one really strikes a note with me because it's all about different instruments.  It introduces young children to vocabulary that they might not hear in everyday situations or books.  There are words like "sizzled," "tooted," "bellowed," "flashed," "strummed," etc.  I really enjoy books that give me an opportunity to teach my students a wide variety of super-cool words!

I also made this Musical Instruments Writing Folder to go along with this book, if your kindergarten children want to write what their favorite instrument is, and why.  The folder allows them to independently spell the instrument of their choice.

The Songs For Teaching website has a cool album that I just found called Instrument Friends by Wendy Rollin that is in perfect concert with this book!

Here are a sequencing paper and graphic organizers that you can use with this book:

Have a melodic week!