Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fun Farm Freebies

Doreen Cronin is hysterical!  If you have not read any of these books with your children, you are missing a fabulous, fun-filled story time.  My kids crack up, whether they're pre-k or kindergarten.  The book that started the whole series is Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type.  This book is such a great springboard for having your children write letters to Farmer Brown, to each other, or to you about what they would like in their classroom that they don't already have.  Duck For President provides a really timely social studies link about the electoral process.

For guided reading, I've used the following two books as a science/reading integrated experience.  We read the books and then use them as models for making their graphic organizer (also available for download below).  I have used these books and this graphic organizer for their independent writing time and as a science center activity.  My children really feel independent when they can look back in the books and find the answers for themselves.  If you like this type of thing, I just put up a brand new Farm Animal Unit on TPT that's packed with 141 pages of terrific guided reading books, graphic organizers, games, and writing experiences.

Things at the Farm Living
Things at the Farm Non-Living
Farm Graphic Organizers Living Nonliving

My post would not be complete if I didn't share with you some really fun farm songs that'll have your kids dancing and "moo"-ing all over the room!  "What Word Makes Sense" by Jack Hartmann is really cool because the children have to fill in a line of the song with a rhyming word.  Here's an example: "There's a cow whose name is Sue.  She eats some grass and then says ____ (moo)."  "Down On The Farm" by Greg & Steve is just a kid-pleasing song.  They really get into saying the different sounds that the animals make.  Finally, Dr. Jean, my favorite artist, does a song called "Color Farm" where the children spell the color words of the animals in the song.  If you've never heard this song, it's so wonderful for teaching color words in an upbeat, active manner!

Enjoy the farm freebies!


  1. I've been following you, Sharon! Wow! You are such an inspiration as a person and a teacher! Thanks for posting the printables you have on your blog. I can't wait for our farm theme to use these most recent ones. Thanks for commenting on my blog post, I hope your children enjoy the craft.

  2. Thank you for sharing these!! I just "tagged" you! You can stop by my blog to see your questions if you would like to play. =)


  3. I've also tagged you! Come on over to my blog and play along!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  4. Thanks for the comment on my new blog! We just finished a Farm unit and I wish I'd found you sooner so I could have used your ideas! Next year for sure!

  5. Hi Sharon, so glad you stopped by. Love your farm unit ideas!
